The Psychological Self, or Ego, is the subconscious, a bundle of vices, errors and defects, represented in the seven deadly sins. The psychological Self is made up of millions of selves, who, present in our psyche, trap the essence and put the consciousness to sleep. Man, with his inner light taken from him, becomes fascinated with the film that life presents, with the reactions that the ego projects, and thus he gives his life, his energy and his birthright to the most unconscious parts of himself. he.

It is necessary to take note of our daily psychological states, if we really want to change permanently. Before going to bed it is advisable that we examine our events that occurred during the day, the embarrassing situations, the loud laughter and the subtle smile.

We have to eliminate a lot and we have to acquire a lot. It is necessary to make an inventory to know how much we have left and how much we lack. Gnostic teaching gives the necessary method to end defects.

The first thing that is needed is to wake up, to understand our own misery, vanity, and pain. Then the Self begins to die from moment to moment. Only by dying is the truly conscious Being born in us, only the Being can exercise true conscious authority.

You have to wake up to die and you have to die to be born internally. ―V.M. Samael Aun Weor

The entire humanity is handled like a puppet, controlled by egos. They kill, steal, rape, lie, etc., and after the acts their bottled conscience begins to cry, and the person who served as an instrument of the action says that he did not know at what time he became brutalized.

The brain is the transmitting organ, the organ that receives orders and distributes them to the body according to the defect that dominates our mind at that moment. The brain is the control center of the physical body. Of the 100 percent of orders that the brain issues to the physical body, 99 percent are controlled by the Psychological Self. Rarely does man receive a call for mercy, love, harmony. When we have those concerns of love for a moment, it is because the Being within us, or the small portion of consciousness (which is only 3%) that we have, has penetrated, in the absence of the Selves, to the brain to give us a signal of help, give us a breath of peace.

This is how our conscience is bottled up by our defects. As we manage to pulverize a defect or vice, we will increase awareness in power, wisdom and love.

Our will is our sword of power, let’s begin to cultivate it to unbottle consciousness.

There are three afflictive emotions that are called the three poisons: attachment, hatred and ignorance. Ignorance is the root cause of the existence of samsara. Ignorance prevents us from seeing the role of cause and effect and the ultimate nature of all phenomena. As a result of this, all phenomena, especially the self, are perceived as permanent, unique and real. For this reason, attachment to oneself and the things one likes develops. Anything that emerges contrary to this gives rise to aversion and the desire to protect. The fight is constant in this endless kingdom.

In this dimension, no matter how much you insist, there is no way to find and experience absolute happiness. These afflictive emotions have been habitual to us for so long, and the deep-rooted seeds of these propensities have grown so large that we feel them to be natural. These emotions emerge effortlessly when we face the appropriate conditions. Whatever we think we do. We endlessly nurture and feed this manifestation. Depending on the quality of the mind, we create different realms and manifest all the different conflicting emotions. However, in reality these manifestations are only impermanent – like a bubble or a dream. To release these three poisons, we need to know the truth of the impermanent nature of all phenomena. This will be the antidote to attachment, and knowing the state of suffering of all sentient beings will be the antidote to aversion.

Attachment is an afflictive emotion that is very difficult to let go of, it is so rooted in the mind. Through this attachment, longing and clinging emerge. Impermanence is one of the most effective methods of “letting go” of attachment that is transitory in nature. When we contemplate the momentary nature of all phenomena, then the particular form or object to which we are attached changes. The way we related to the object no longer exists, therefore there is no point in remaining attached. Like dew on a blade of grass, which evaporates like an illusion. Instead of getting upset or worried about this, we should just see it as the true nature of that phenomenon. Accept the change and allow it to happen, let go of the attachment.

The practice of impermanence is an effective method of letting go of attachment and hatred. Live moment by moment. Wake up! Your consciousness has been dormant in samsara for a long time!

Any attempt at liberation, no matter how great it may be, if it does not take into account the need to dissolve the Ego, is doomed to failure. ―V.M. Samael Aun Weor ―V.M. Samael Aun Weor